A systems answer to the problem of wheat

What is the problem of wheat? The problem is that, although more money is made from wheat than any other food product in the world, that this money is made by the people trading it as a commodity on the money markets, not by the people who touch it - farmer, miller, baker and pasta maker. This has to change.

What is Fresh Flours solution to this?

  • Grow interesting, (ancient, heritage, or population) grain, at an appropriate scale.

  • Grow grain in the presence of sunshine NOT, as is the norm, in the presence of oil. (Natural not synthetic. There is NO second way)

  • Pay farmers a sustainable wage to do the job they love. So they can focus on the things they love - soil, animals….

  • Pass on to the consumer the whole goodness that the grain holds. (Fresh Flour).

  • Make the whole grain system work by using all; bran, wheatgerm (middle) and endosperm (white).

WHAT is so good about our products?

  • Our flour is made from 100% naturally grown non-synthetic grain. It’s also stone ground and as Fresh as it gets; bagged and sent for delivery within 12 hours or used that day for making pasta, crackers and Biscuits.

  • Our pasta is made with ancient and interesting grains, freshly milled, bronze cut and air dried.

  • Our biscuits and crackers are made using the same fresh flour and ancient and interesting grains, mixed with the finest of other ingredients - Kadode Kampot pepper (the worlds best pepper), Cornish Sea salt, Palm flower sugar, Greek olive oils.

  • All our products are grown organically but not necessarily certified, and Vegan.